The artistic practice of Lucie Mičíková is rooted in memory and association. Interested in architecture, and inspired by Gaston Bachelard's La Poétique de l'Espace, Mičíková's personal installations create a dream-like, utopian, memory-space. She draws on her own experience and writing to investigate the process of looking; her ephemeral works are often subtle interventions into the nature of things.
In collage, her use of found objects create a surreal, pictorial landscape. Paper nests are photographed and photocopied, rendering an object into a flat plane. Distorting paper with paper through layers of action.
For her first exhibition in Berlin, Czech-born Mičíková takes over the courtyard of Skalitzerstrasse 68 to fill the vitrines with paper environments. "Forgotten Leaf" reverberates repeated motifs, infinite circles and threaded shreds. (Lilly Daniell)